
Receive real-time notifications about your attack surface directly in your Slack workspace.

This integration is currently in beta.

This integration allows you to route notifications about issues, changes, and other events to specific Slack channels based on your configuration.

Connect Slack

  • Visit your Account > Integrations > Add

  • Add the Slack integration

  • Enter a name for the integration

  • Click Connect Now

  • You'll be redirected to Slack to approve permissions

  • Click Allow

Create Profiles

After connecting Slack, you can create profiles to control where different notifications are sent. Each profile specifies a Slack channel that will receive messages. To create a profile:

  1. Navigate to the Profiles tab

  2. Click the + icon

  3. Enter a name for the profile

  4. Select the Slack channel where messages should be sent

  5. Click Save

You can create multiple profiles to route different events to different channels.

Create Event Rules

To receive Slack notifications, create Event Rules and add your Slack profile as an action. Visit Events > Event Rules to set up rules that determine which events trigger messages in Slack.

Learn more about configuring Event Rules at:

Last updated

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