
Automatically create tickets in Atlassian Jira for streamlined issue remediation.

This integration is currently in beta.

Connect Atlassian Jira

  • Visit your Account > Integrations > Add.

  • Add the Jira integration.

  • Add a name for your integration.

  • Click Connect Now.

  • You'll be redirected to Jira to approve permissions.

Create Profiles

After connecting Jira, you can create profiles to control how tickets are created. To create a profile:

  1. Navigate to the Profiles tab

  2. Click the + icon

  3. Enter a name for the profile

  4. Configure your settings:

    1. Project: The Jira Project where tickets will be created.

    2. Reported By: The reporter for the created tickets.

    3. Assigned To: The assignee of the created tickets.

    4. Priority: The priority of the created tickets.

    5. Issue Type: The type of the created tickets.

    6. Due Date Days: The number of days from now when the ticket is due.

    7. Labels: Labels for the created tickets.

  5. Click Save

Create Tickets

Manually Create Tickets for Individual Issues

When viewing an Issue, you can easily create an individual ticket for the issue.

  1. Click the Plug icon in the top right

  2. Select the Profile you'd like to use

  3. Make any adjustments to the ticket details

  4. Click Create Ticket

Automatically Create Tickets for Issues

To create tickets for issues, we recommend using Filters & Actions.

  • Navigate to Scan > Settings > Filters & Actions

  • Create a filter with the type as Target Issue

  • Apply the profile you created as an action

Learn more about Filters & Actions:

Filters & Actions

Automatically Create Tickets for Additional Events

Event rules allow you to create a Jira ticket for Halo Security events beyond issues. For example, you can create a Jira ticket when a new port is opened or a new target is added.

To receive Jira tickets, create Event Rules and add your Jira profile as an action.

Visit Events > Event Rules to set up rules that determine which events created Tickets in Jira.

Learn more about configuring Event Rules:

Event Rules

Last updated

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