Data Types

The Halo Security API supports several types of values for filtering.


  • Begin pattern with ! to inverse the match

  • Begin pattern with ~ to use a regular expression match

  • Begin pattern with = for an exact match

  • Use * for a wild card match

  • Use - to match an empty value


  • Integer: 1

  • Range of values: 1-5

  • Greater than a value: >5

  • Greater or equal to a value: >=5

  • Less than a value: <5

  • Less than or equal to value: <=5

  • List of values: 1,3,5

  • Multiple selectors: <=10,50-55,100,200

Date & Time

Date are represented in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Timestamp are represented in YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI format using the UTC timezone.

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